How to Install & Setup WordPress in Localhost

WordPress is the open-source CMS Platform developed on PHP and MySQL. WordPress allows designing or developing a website on your local server. this article will guide you to set up WordPress in localhost or local server and installation guide for the beginner. Before setting up the article you have to understand how WordPress works:

How WordPress Works:

WordPress uses PHP and MySQL for back-end development and HTML, CSS, and jQuery are used for front-end development. You don’t need to know PHP much more but if you know about HTML/CSS, it will be helpful to you for customizing the WordPress theme style. Like color, Font-size, Background-color, font-family …etc.

There the more important thing you should about WordPress. Themes and plugin are used for the WordPress design. Themes are containing different layout depends upon the user accessibility like sidebar, navigation menu position, footer and header structure. Plugin allows to provide the functionality of the themes like how they behavior to the user side. Like classic editor, social icons, YouTube video embedding.

Important Notes before starting the installation of WordPress or Setup WordPress:

Before setting up WordPress either it is on local machine or live server, you have kept in mind few important things such as:

  • Create a Mail account for recovery password
  • Create database in phpMyAdmin (only for Local Server)
  • Setup the secured password
  • You can check your admin side by entering wp-admin after the end of URL like:-

Installation guide of WordPress in Localhost

1.       Download and install XAMPP Server:

XAMPP server is the open-source cross-platform for development in the local machine and it can host your machine as a server. XAMPP comes with the databases to direct connect to the webserver to local database and acts like a live server.


Download XAMPP server form this website:

During the downloading of XAMPP server select the Software version. Prefer always updated version of the XAMPP server.

After downloading the XAMPP install that at a default location no need to change the location for the development.

After installing the XAMPP you fill find some folder will be created on your machine. Most of the cases it installed on the C drive of your Windows. htdocs folder is the workplace folder where all the development files will be kept.

WordPress in htdocs

Now open the XAMPP software and Activate the Apache & SQL. Apache provides the PHP Configuration off your web content.

xampp control panel

SQL provide the Database connected to the website and files.

2.     Download the WordPress and store to XAMPP folder

Download WordPress from the link: in zip file.

Extract that ZIP to the folder and copy that WordPress folder to the htdocs folder of XAMPP.

Note that: If you have changed the Name of the folder from WordPress to something, you will access that folder by entering the localhost/something.


All files will be stored in the htdocs folder like the below image. You add multiple website if you want to install multiple website

File directory

Okk that’s enough for the downloading and setting up the folder to the Xampp folder.

3.     Create the Database of that WordPress Website

Now the important things to set up the database using phpMyAdmin. Follow the steps and set up the database for setting up the database of WordPress.

xampp and click admin
Open Xampp and click the admin
PHP my admin panel
This is default layout of phpmyadmin

Select your Database Name and hit the Create button to create the database.  

Create new database
Enter your database name.[Note: you have to remember before providing database name. Later on you have to put this info during WP installation]

Okk after completing those steps, your database has been created with that name. Nothing to do with that phpMyAdmin Afterall.

4.     Installing the WordPress

Now the important and interesting things comes over to installing the WordPress.

Go to the URL and type localhost/something (or you can type your folder name during save the wordpress file name otherwise it will simple like localhost/wordpress)

installing wordpress select language
lets go wordpress
Step: 3

Change the Following Details:

Database Name: Select the database name same as during the Database like: Demo — This name will be as per your provided database name.

Username: It will be root  always.

Password:  It will be Blank all-time.

Database Host: It will be Localhost all-time.

Table Prefix: Select the Table prefix. We prefer default name.

 After changing the details, you will be shifted to next step.

If you find any error please fix as per above details.

Now it is the time to finalize the installation. Fill up the Following Details on the coming screen:

run the installation
Step: 4
wordpress setup
Step:5 Final Step

Site Title: Site Title indicate what your website name is.

Username: Username is the login information for login the website after later.

Password: Select Strong Password for the login credentials

Confirm Password: In some cases, the Confirm password is ticked if you choose the weak password.

Your Email:  provide your mail id where all the message, comment and everything controlled by this mail id even the password recovery will be work on this mail id. So please provide a valid id.

success of wordpress installation

Search Engine Visibility: It will depend if you want to visible on the web during setting up the environment or not. Let’s set up for default.

Now done! You will see your website on your Local Server.

Website Live

This article on the topic of how-to setup WordPress on the Local Server and WordPress installation guide for beginner will help you to learn something interesting. If you have any query feel free to comment down below.

I am Somnath an Entrepreneur, Blogger and Proud to be Founder of I love to share blogging tips, WordPress guidance to my audience. I'll happy if you get some helpful article from my blog.

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